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We have grown gradually over the last number of years out of a need from our clients to develop bespoke energy management solutions to their specific business needs.

Food Centre
The project included the installation of a fridge monitoring and control system to enable a higher level of temperature control of a bank of display refrigeration units installed in the Food Centre. The existing refrigeration unit controls ensure the refrigerators operate within set temperature bands but …

Boxmore Plastics – Free Cooling Project Upgrade
The upgrade was carried out in 2020 as part of the site energy management programme. Smarter Energy Controls provided the data monitoring used to generate the M&V report which was generated in line with the requirements of International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP).
The retrofit comprised of the decommissioning of existing air blast coolers (Condensers) on the chilled water generation system and installation of new air cooled heat exchanger and fans. This new system has variable speed drive installed on fan motors and along with new controls which assigns priority the free cooler when outside temperatures satisfy the criteria to use it to generate the chilled water.
Chilled water is required for mould cooling at 13 O C to 14 O C, so the objective of this project was to utilise the outside air to provide chilled water once the outside air temperature dropped below this level and thus reduce the run time and hence power used by the existing mechanical cooling compressor system.
Existing compressors are rated at 208kW and 584 kW of cooling capacity at Coefficient of Performance of 2.8. The new system draws 40 kW maximum and can provide 640kW of cooling if outside temperatures are satisfactory (sized at 10% additional capacity to cater for potential future expansion). The system therefore will be utilised during winter months all day long and some other periods, even in summer when day or night time temperatures are below the 13 O C/14 O C threshold.
The total annual delivered energy savings are 7791,600 kWh and 1,979,001 kWh primary energy savings.