
Abbey Foods

The project included the installation of a fridge monitoring and control system to enable a higher level of temperature control of a bank of display refrigeration units installed in the Abbey Food Centre.
The existing refrigeration unit controls ensure the refrigerators operate within set temperature bands but these bands are usually wider than required under food safety regulations in order to ensure safe operation. The Food Centre with 40 refrigerators, installed this new control system which overrides the existing individual controls systems and thus maintains the fridge operation within a narrower band and this reduces the cycling and energy load and hence energy use by the refrigerators.
The average daily consumption was 378.2 kWh/day over this baseline monitoring period. With Smart Energy Controls, the average consumption over this monitoring period was 306.27kWh /day. The savings per day was 71.93kWh and this would equate to 26254 kWh of delivered electrical energy savings over one year.
Each of the 40 fridges have new controls enabled and the system fully complies with the HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) which covers the procedures companies must put in place to ensure the food they sell/produce is properly stored and hence safe for human consumption.
Group 1100
These procedures make up the food safety management system based on the principles of HACCP and include fridge temperature measurements take at least twice daily, this system provide real time monitoring and therefore satisfies the HACCP standard.

Case Study

Average cost of electricity per day €151.20 €113.40 €75.60 €37.80 Daily savings in Kwh 72 54 36 18 Average cost with Smarter Energy controls €114.91 €86.18 €57.45 €28.72 Daily labour cost of HACCP and admin of reports €28.00 €21.00 €14.00 €7.00 Annual savings on energy savings and HACCP €20,732 €15,549 €10,366 €5,183 Daily savings on energy €29.00 €22.00 €14.00 €7.20 Daily savings on energy savings and HACCP €42.40 €31.80 €21.20 €10.60 Annual savings in Kwh 26280 19170 13140 6570 Appliances Finding Daily / Annual 40 30 20 10 Annual saving on energy €10,512 €7,884 €5,256 €2,628

How time savings are calculated?